The false wisdom that working long and hard is all you need for success was invented to make the many toil for the few. As for the few, they know that arriving at the right time to the right place and moreover doing the right thing, will take you much further.
This reminds me of a story:
Nasreddin used to sleep late. His industrious neighbours woke up at the first break of morning. One day, at sunrise, one of them was lucky enough to find a gold coin in the dust of the road. That evening he bragged a lesson to the lazy mullah.
“Look at this Hoca! Allah provides reward for the early bird. Yesterday evening I was heading home tired on the empty road and I promise you, there was nothing in the dust. But rising early was rewarded in full. I was paid with this shining coin I found on my way. Meanwhile, the late sleepers find nothing. There is some justice in the world.”
“You are silly” answered Nasreddin, “What justice? The one who’s mourning that coin was on the road earliest, even before you. And he lost his money. And you, the late-comer found it”