It is amazing how much people worry about funeral observances. Isn’t your true feeling the most important thing? This reminds me of a story:
A man came to seek advice from Hodja concerning burial customs.
“Pray Hodja,” he asked. “When the stretcher or the casket is carried in silence by the friends or family, I as a well meaning visitor, where should I place myself in the funeral procession? Behind, on the right side or on the left side? Or should I walk far in front of them?”
“Don’t worry so much my good man. There is only one place where you should definitely not be placed: on the stretcher or in the casket.”
A man came to seek advice from Hodja concerning burial customs.
“Pray Hodja,” he asked. “When the stretcher or the casket is carried in silence by the friends or family, I as a well meaning visitor, where should I place myself in the funeral procession? Behind, on the right side or on the left side? Or should I walk far in front of them?”
“Don’t worry so much my good man. There is only one place where you should definitely not be placed: on the stretcher or in the casket.”