The disenchanters lurk everywhere, even in quiet, wealthy land; some are passers-by: bullies, small-time backyard tyrants, bureaucrats. Others are rulers, teachers or parents. Beware though mistaking anyone criticising you to be evil. In fact, the worse, perfidious enemies will flatter and encourage you in your errors and towards your worst ways astray, until you destroy yourself. And you may hate your perfectionist parents and sincere friends for loving you more than they love peace with you.
In one way or another, the disenchanters – most likely poisoned themselves - drain your illusions, trust, dreams, your faith and beauty. They wreck your compass. They debase you.
Pay the price to fight back or if you cannot, run away but do not break in to their twisted "real world". If it happened, find a way to wash yourself.
Consider punishment - not for he sake of hate, that would be their victory - but to get even in your soul; make justice because your intimate life-space and your soul, your self-respect need balance and closure. Make it become true in your personal life story that betrayal of trust and disenchantment are punished. On the spot, or later, time does not matter. This is a fight for the quality of your entire life.
When good hope, the ability to trust and the self-respect are broken, you are contaminated, open to do the worst. When your trust is wrecked that the world is understandable, lawful and foreseeable, you are jailed for life.
If you were brought to see the world as arbitrary, indifferent, perverse and cruel, there is no need for prisons, police and yoke, no need for Hell in afterlife; you are banished to live in the chaotic empire of evil, until you die. No need of chains, you are crippled. You will carry, branded on your eye-balls, the distorting lens that makes certain the presence of wicked ugliness, wherever you go, wherever you evade, wherever you run, wherever you look.
Whole nations get to live in such nightmarish worlds, bullied by tyrants or by beastly Utopias. It is possible to rob whole nations of their dignity. Half a century may be needed for a people to wake up from the disenchanted nightmare of helplessness and cynicism.
But you can fight back quietly, with resilience, in your own life-time. I did it and it worked.
Have no mercy for the killer of trust.