with Thinkhost.com
whom I say my last thanks for the long years of kind hosting.
I shared there my personal contributions because I think that culture must be free; the freedom of thought - one of the human rights - starves when it is not nourished freely with shared ideas and knowledge.
Recently, the site was taken over by a new dollar-eyed company which I will not name. They saw that my legacy content was aged which equals "fit for the trashcan" and deleted it with no warning. Such good people know that the author is the product or the reader is the product or they are both nothing.
This is of course no news: The jackals of the electronic desert help us to forget; everything shall be scanned, stored in digital safes with paid looking-access, then periodically and successively destroyed like sand castles on a shore.
With this I end the burial ceremony for tenner.thinkhost.com Peace be upon it.
I will successively republish that material. Now you will find some of those disappeared pages at the Wayback Machine or here:
THIS REMINDS ME OF A STORY a collection of my rendering of the Sufi stories of a wise fool called Nasreddin Hodja is at http://nasredin.blogspot.com/ and http://nasredin.blogspot.ch/
THE FASCINATION OF PARADOX - Learning from not understanding
is here on this page with the other "Articles"
THE CONSULTING DIFFERENCE - a primer I wrote years ago for the profession of the Consultant is waiting for light editing or radical re-writing
THE STRATEGY OF SURPRISE, is replaced with Strategy: Preparing for, against and the Surprise on this page http://wisdom.tenner.org/strategy-of-surprise.html